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✨ PROMPT TIP: Use the RTF Framework for Composing Effective ChatGPT Prompts

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Looking to become proficient in ChatGPT prompts?

This article has got you covered. Over the past half-year, our team at Job Prompts has dedicated thousands of hours to fine-tuning prompt techniques.

One of the simplest and best methods for composing prompts is the RTF method: R stands for Role, T for Task, and F for Format.

Here’s a deeper dive

  1. Role (R): Think of this as the "persona" or "identity" you'd like the AI to assume. It can range from a historian to a baker, or even a journalist. By setting the role, you guide the AI on the mindset or viewpoint it should adopt when replying. For instance, if you instruct the AI to "Emulate a Historian", it will approach and answer with a historian's perspective.

  2. Task (T): This represents the activity you're asking the AI to undertake. It might be researching a topic, crafting a narrative, devising a timetable, etc. Essentially, it's the job you're assigning to the AI. If you direct the AI to "Draft a poem", it will generate a poetic piece for you.

  3. Format (F): This pertains to the manner in which you'd like the AI's feedback to be structured. Whether you prefer a bullet-point list, a chart, a narrative, a graphic, and so on. This ensures you receive the data in a manner that's most beneficial to you. For instance, if you request "Present in bullet points", the AI will format its reply accordingly.

Note: To obtain responses in formats like PDFs, images, or code, you'd need to utilize ChatGPT plugins.

Putting it all together

Merging these three components, you might instruct, "Emulate a Baker, Draft a cake recipe, Present in bullet points." Consequently, the AI will offer a step-by-step recipe in bullet points, mirroring an actual baker's guidance.

Here are additional examples for clarity:

  • "Emulate a Zoologist, Investigate various cat species, Display in a Slideshow."

  • "Emulate a Financial Advisor, Design a yearly financial plan, Present in a Table."

  • "Emulate a Programmer, Structure a Java project, Display in Eclipse."

The combinations are limitless!

In essence: The secret lies in creatively combining diverse roles, tasks, and formats to formulate prompts that align with your objectives. This ensures you maximize the benefits of your AI interactions. Additionally, I've included a handy reference guide tailored for the RTF method.

We hope you found this prompt tip valuable, and you’ll try the RFT Framework the next time you’re on ChatGPT.

Wishing you a productive week!

Jonathan Sadlowe

Co-founder & CEO at Job Prompts

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